Thursday, February 18, 2016

Body Spec Found Out What I'm Made Of...and I'm Pleased!

Let's talk about "losing" weight. 

When it comes to us gals, weight is the devil, it's the bane of our existence, it's that damn thorn in our side. However, it really shouldn't be as weight is quite arbitrary, as in it can change for any reason at all—it's that time of the month, you drank a lot of water, you drank too much wine on the weekend, etc. 

But I get why weight is so important when it comes to being healthy. Yes, there are some people who need to lose weight to get to what doctors would deem a "healthy" size. But I find that when it comes to the majority of women I know, most are at a "healthy" size and simply want to lose that 5-10 lbs. just because they want to look and feel better, which I totally can get behind and agree with when it comes to the latter. I mean, who doesn't want to like what they see in the mirror?

However, I'm going state that in order to look and feel better you need to gain weight. Yes, GAIN it. Now, you are probably thinking, "Oh shut up Laura, what the hell do you know." Well, surprisingly a lot more than you would think since I'm not a fitness trainer or nutritionist/dietitian (make sure to read my About section to learn more about my knowledge and passion when it comes to fitness and health.) I'll get to my reasoning on why I'm saying to gain weight later on in this post. But first, you need to know about body fat versus body weight. 

Body Spec - Showing Me What I'm Made Of

Yesterday, I visited a company called Body Spec, which is based out of Los Angeles. Their slogan is "Find out what you are made of" and this is what they do according to their website:

BodySpec provides affordable medical-grade health and metabolic assessments to help you achieve your goals. We offer the nation's most affordable DXA scan, which is the most accurate body fat test available. We also offer RMR tests, VO2 max tests, and nutrition coaching services. Through our West LA location and our mobile body fat testing trucks, BodySpec serves Los Angeles, Orange County, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

As mentioned, Body Spec travels by van to different locations all over the Bay Area. I was able to catch them at the OrangeTheory in Los Gatos. For $45 you can get a body fat scan (known as a DXA scan) that's, according to them, the most accurate and precise body fat measurement test. It only takes 10 minutes, you can do it fully clothed, and after the scan you receive a report on not only your body fat percentage and weight, but you also get data on where your fat is distributed throughout. Well, that seems kind of cool so I signed up.

I've never done anything like this in the past, so I went in not knowing much of anything about my body fat. I weighed myself the other day and I was close to 149 (I'm 5'6'' by the way), but didn't know how much fat attributed to that weight. 

Before I did the scan, the Body Spec tech told me to remove my jewelry and shoes. I asked him if it was okay if I ate right before, as I didn't want me doing so to skew the results. He said it was totally okay and I would be fine. I was relieved since I had to eat right before I went to my appointment. 

As they stated, it only took 10 minutes and I walked outside to meet with a Body Spec consultant to discuss my results. 

When I first saw it, I wasn't really sure if it was good or bad. Naturally, I saw my weight and thought, "Well shit, it looks like I gained a few more pounds as this is saying I'm 151.4 lbs... or the scale at home is broken." But then, I saw the "Total Body Fat %" and realized that my weight isn't so bad in comparison. The consultant reassured me too, and said it was amazing since I placed in the 0-20th percentile. The average body fat percentage for women is roughly anywhere between 29%-33%. For a woman who is a pro athlete, it's 16%-22%.

I fall into a pro athlete category? Woohoo! 

From there I was able to see where most of my fat resided—my Gynoid, which is the hips, upper thighs, and buttocks region. According to the consultant, this is the most common area for women to have the most amount of fat. I carry the least amount of fat in my Android, which is the lower stomach. This is freaking amazing news since I know that area is tough to get tightened and toned, so I'm incredibly grateful for that. 

Build Muscle - You'll Thank Me Later

As you can see from my results, I'm sure you have a better picture as to why I told you earlier that you want to gain weight. Seriously, don't worry about losing those 5, 10, 15 or whatever pounds it is that you want to lose. 

I honestly almost went a year without weighing myself because in the past I became incredibly obsessed with the scale, and I determined all my successes and failure because of it. I'm so happy I kicked the scale to the curb because once I did that I focused more on my workouts and simply eating as healthy as I could. By continually doing this, my workouts metamorphosed into something positive and satisfying. I got to a point where I wanted (and still do) wanted to build muscle once I started seeing just minor results. 

Think Like an Athlete

So when you're training, think and train like an athlete. Avoiding the scale, lifting heavier and always pushing yourself harder is key to "losing" weight. I promise once you start doing these things, the fat, which is what you're really trying to lose, will melt off. In turn, kick ass muscle will replace it and science tells you that it definitely weighs more than fat, so naturally you will weigh more once you start doing this. 

I hope providing my results gives you better insight into losing weight and the changes you may need to make to get there. If you have any questions, or if you want me to ask about my results or about my workout routine, drop me a line at 

As always, thanks for reading. 



Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Spirulina - The Miracle Cure for What's Going Around in the Office?

*Cough, cough*

It's normal to hear someone cough in an office environment. There are times when we simply need to clear our throats, relieve ourselves from choking, etc. However, when my boss started doing coughing, it started to take on a different tone. It definitely started becoming more frequent, and it soon became clear that he was coming down with something.

He did this for two days until he finally decided to work from home today. I was relieved as I didn't want to catch what he had. And to be fair, he definitely caught it from other co-workers who were sick last week and began to drop like flies then as well. I've been at this job for three months, and I've quickly come to realize that it's easy to catch whatever's going around.

When I went home to make my protein shake after my workout, I instinctively reached for the spirulina I had on hand. To be frank, I didn't know if it helped with preventing a cold, but I knew it was better than eating an orange or popping vitamin C pills.

The Badass Superfood

Spirulina is a "blue-green algae,"but is considered a cyanobacterium that has chlorophyll, so it uses the sun as an energy source. Spirulina is grown all over the world and is cultivated for both human and animal consumption. However, you'll most often see it in a pill, flake or powder form.

Spirulina is super rich in protein, having 50 to 70 percent protein by weight. This is way better than red meat, which only has 27 percent protein, and it's calcium rich too making it a good substitute for those who are lactose intolerant.

Spirulina also has the following nutrients/benefits:

  • B vitamins (including exceptionally high B-12), vitamin K, and other vitamins
  • It's naturally rich in iodine
  • Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, chromium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc and copper.
  • A great source of gamma-linolenic acid (or GLA, which is an important fatty acid for heart and joints)
  • Metallo-thionine compounds, which are proteins combined with metals that bind heavy radioactive isotopes
  • Fatty acids, including sulfolipids
  • Phytopigments (phycocyanin, chlorophyll, and carotenoids)
  • Eighteen different amino acids
  • Polysaccharides, fructose, mannose, ribose and rhamnose

Phew! Just by reading this list, it's safe to say that this stuff is good, no GREAT, for you. Furthermore, spirulina has been studied to see if it can inhibit viruses (such as HIV) by blocking its replication—and it showed that it could. Even though there haven't been many studies done to prove that spirulina can 100 percent suppress the HIV virus and be considered a cure for the disease, there have been some human studies done to show that spirulina does help boost the immune system.*

So, my theory is that since it can help inhibit viral growth (in this case, a potential cold or influenza virus), as well as boost the immune system, I should be able to fight off whatever is plaguing my co-workers. Again, this is a personal theory based on the information out there on spirulina. But, even if it is incorrect, I really have nothing to lose as almost any nutritionists can agree that throwing a little bit of in your shakes isn't a bad thing. 

So far, I've been doing this for two days and I feel awesome. There were a total four co-workers (who sit very close by to me) who were attacked by this nefarious cold, and I don't want anything to do with it. That's why I head to spiruilina when I think I can catch a cold or coming down with one. I would also suggest anyone else to do the same. You can pick up the powder form (the kind I have in the above picture) from you local Whole Foods or health supermarket.

Stay healthy everyone!



Friday, February 5, 2016

#SheRides - There has to be an easier way

I recently wrote an article for RideApart titled #SheRides - How to Look Good On and Off Your Bike

The word count for this article was getting a little bit long, so I'm going to write more about what inspired me to write on this topic here.

I was hesitant to write about this at first because I didn't know if this was really an issue for women motorcycle riders. I was particularly worried about how it would resonate with them—would they agree with me and participate by commenting about their own experiences in the comment section? I decided to say screw it, and roll with it.

The main reason I made this decision was because there was nothing out there written on this topic. I also wanted to take a gamble (because, you know, taking a risk is fun) and simply help out anyone else who related to the beauty issues I personally faced when commuting to work on my motorcycle.

So far, the feedback has been positive, with both men and women commenting on my article. I just want to anyone who has commented on my stuff to know that I really appreciate it. It really does mean a lot to me. :)

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