
First off, I want to say thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you enjoy my posts. I also encourage you to ask any questions in the comments section, or email directly at Laura[at]thefitmotochick.com

Now, who am I? If you don't feel like reading anything that's lengthy, here's the short version:

Laura Llovet is an avid rider, racer, writer, and fitness enthusiast living in San Jose, CA. Born and raised in New Orleans, LA, she obtained her degree in journalism at Louisiana State University. After graduating in 2009, she stayed far away from anything adventurous or spontaneous, and instead she began working full-time. 

Fortunately, Laura unearthed her love for two wheels in the summer of 2011. After riding on the back of a friend’s Triumph Daytona, she immediately obtained her motorcycle endorsement, purchased a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja, and moved out West to seek a more audacious life and career. 

Laura is currently a professional content marketing copy editor, writer and content coordinator at a top security and storage company in Silicon Valley, CA. She is also an editor-at large for RideApart, having worked for the site for a little over a year. The majority of her writing is focused on the female rider; however, she also writes lists, reviews, motorcycle news, and how-tos. 

She owns four motorcycles: a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250, a 2015 Yamaha FZ-09, a 2006 Suzuki DRZ 125, and a 1981 Honda CB750. They also all have names: Santiago, Sebastio, Francisco, and Hal.

And for those who don't mind sticking around to learn a bit more about what I do and why, please continue reading.

For the Love of Motorcycles 

As you read in my short bio, the minute I was able to get on a motorcycle I was hooked. I took my MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) course in the summer of 2011, purchased my Ninja 250 in the fall, and moved to California shortly thereafter. I was so enamored with anything that had two-wheels and I was eager to meet people with the same passion I had for them.

I fortunately did meet some amazing people. Not only did I meet motorcycle riders, I also met a ton of motorcycle racers when I signed up to be a turn worker for the American Federation of Motorcyclists (AFM). I fell in love with my newfound family (the AFM truly is one), and always dreamed of maybe becoming an amateur road racer myself one day...

Even though I made a lot of friends living out in California, there was one person that became my best friend. His name is Greg and it's to no one's surprise that things went to a more romantic level after almost two years of knowing one another. This is truly the best thing that could have ever happened since we're so compatible. I'm also a bad influence on him since I've gotten him into many of his current hobbies. For example, he got into racing motorcycles because of me, and he will always say it's my my fault. And you know what? It totally is.

The big bit hard and soon after we set forth to become AFM racers. We successfully obtained our race licenses. Well, to be frank Greg did it more successfully than I did at first, but eventually I was able to obtain my racing license.

On top of of being motor-heads, Greg's a big car guy—especially when it comes to Porsches—so he's also a bad influence on me since I got hooked on driving, too!

So the "Two-Wheels" section and the "Four-Wheels" section on my blog make a bit more sense now don't they? I'll post my adventures, thoughts, opinions, reviews, and anything else that has to do with motorcycles and/or cars on their specific pages. As I mentioned in my short bio, I'm also a writer for RideApart, so at times I will also post things on here from the site.

You also get cool trophies when you're an AFM racer! 

For the Love of Fitness

My only credentials for writing on this topic is I absolutely love working out! I'm obsessed with Classpass, and utilize every ounce of my membership each month.

I also love to read a whole lot about fitness and health. I mean, I do have a degree journalism so that makes me somewhat credible to write things, right?* The point is, is that I eat, breathe, and sleep working out and being as healthy as I possibly can be.

My love for fitness started almost three years ago with my cabbage soup post, followed up by my "Day Two of the Diet" post. Doing what I did back then really kicked started who I am today. I wanted to learn as much as I could about food and how certain types affect our bodies.

I really do believe that personal nutrition is quite arbitrary—everyone's body is different and how you lose weight, build muscle and live longer is dependent on so many different things. It's quite difficult to have a clear cut system on how or what to do to achieve optimal health. It's all about trial and error and you are your own guinea pig. I mean, don't go eating Oreos everyday—there are the basics on what to do when it comes to achieving optimal health. However, it's really all up to you to figure out what works best for you. 

If you stuck around this long, thanks (again)! I hope you enjoy my blog posts as much as I enjoy writing them.


(*Michael Pollan is well-known nutrition activists and has written well-know books on food, including "The Omnivore's Dilemma."  He isn't even a medical professional—he's a journalist and journalism professor at UC Berkeley. What makes him so credible is that he researches food, our current farming ecosystem and tries to get both sides of the story, just like any good journalist should. When it comes to food and what you should eat, trust me when I say, there's definitely two sides to this.)

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